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After decades of claiming he's the best, the brightest, the man who is always right about anything, even his own made-up facts, finally officially becomes the smartest man on Earth.

After being the president of the United States of America for not four but somehow eight years, claiming the climate change is a hoax perpetrated by China, starting trade wars and thinking he's the best president ever, has finally paid off. The end of civilization started with the trade wars and ended when the climate change killed o... continue reading
latest in untrue

Confessions of an unstable Editor-In-Chief: My 15 minutes of Fame
After my confessions last week, not sure if I remembered to put them on paper or not though, you were probably sure that I would end up in some mental...

Confessions of an unstable Editor-In-Chief: I'm a changed man!
Still in the hospital? No, not really. If, then only in my mind. My 15 minutes of fame is over and I'm on my way back to real life.

Confessions of an unstable Editor-In-Chief: Pink bubble-gum
This was a rough week. I have not felt like that since I was just 6 years old. And I'm truly glad about it. I will tell you, pink bubblegum IS NOT GOO...

Confessions of an unstable Editor-In-Chief: Never the first
I feel lousy. I am not sure what the reason for that might be exactly. But I guess being always the SECOND one has its part in it. Second in everythin...

Today I found out I�m gay
Yesterday I went to a club with some good friends. We had some beers, lots of laughs, talks about my really long nipples and by the end of the night I...

Confessions of an unstable Editor-In-Chief: Prisoner of The Cheers
I am being kept in chains inside the cyber castle of The Cheers magazine. My editorial staff is throwing stones at me, one bigger than the other. They...
latest in nightlife

Night out at a casino
It used to be that when you went to a casino, you were only going for the gambling.

Tiger Woods to Wrestle with Cindy Lauper at the aftermatch of senile drunken critics symposium
When reality becomes insanity and insanity becomes fatality. A story about two drunken sailors, sexual morality, nationality and stupid, stupid morons...

The slogan that became a bit of catch-cry in the US and other places boldly stated that Toyota was "Moving Forward".

Perfect Timing, perfect ideas
Actor, singer, and generally wasted newspaper space, Britney Spears, is doing 'circus themed' tour of Australia.
The tour began in Perth and it is al...

Confessions of an unstable Editor-In-Chief
A really crazy story with no point and lots of nonsense.

Brown Couch or twelve dwarfs in the city center
Things can happen either for a reason or without a reason. Happenings can not happen without anything happening. That is logical, without a doubt. The...
latest in presidents

Fire in Trump's pants ends with unexpected consequences
After President's pants went up in flames this morning we have managed to confirm that the flames have finally been extinguished. The smoke that came ...

World's biggest liar claims he's disgusted by lying
A man known these days as the world's biggest liar, Donald Trump, says he's disgusted by the lying media.

Once there lived a manbaby called Donald
Once upon a time a child was born. He was called Donald. When Donald was almost grown up already, his father gave him a mil.

Trump: IQ means ... and mine is 1300
President Trump held a press conference on Monday at 9.59, to reassure the people of the United States, and the rest of the world, that the future of ...

Hot news: Naked burning shemale flew out the window
TIMBUKTU, Dec 13th - Last night a car bomb exploded in front of the Timbuktu embassy in Chikata Rabula neighbourhood. No survivors, just meat. That i...

Obama is still alive
United States, the most democratic country in the world, or at least that is what we are made to believe, would end the presidency of its first atheis...
latest in religion

Joel Osteen from the megachurch asks help from Hurricane victims
Joel Osteen, poor celebrity pastor of Lakewood Church in Houston, was praying for everyone affected by Hurricane Harvey. Everyone had the chance to re...

When Vatican and gay orgies become synonymous
This could be a fake story. And we love fake stories. We love writing them. We love reading them. The first time I read about the gay gangbang at the ...

Kim Jong Il - The long lost brother of Michael Jackson and Steve Jobs
Elvis was a man of mystery. According to thousands of sources he, in fact, is still alive. Allegedly living together with his two sons, Steve and Mich...

10 Indisputable Facts God Exists
The world as we know came to an end in 2012 when the Mayan world exploded and people, our people are still divided by a fine line. One side believes i...
latest in politcs

Trump encouraged to keep tweeting
In an effort to keep him out of doing any real damage to the country, Trump supporters and enemies alike encourage him to keep tweeting and taking on ...

Paul Ryan to stick with Obamacare, Trump on the verge of tears
House Speaker Paul D. Ryan said yesterday that he is open for some fine-tuning of the Republican healthcare bill in order to win back conservatives an...

Spicer: the president has absolutely no regrets about his lies
Last week, on Saturday, Trump accused Obama of ordering surveillance at Trump Tower during the election, but has provided no evidence of it whatsoever...

Paul Ryan confident he can get rid of health care
While not all Republicans are sure they are able to fulfil their dream of healthcareless world, Paul Ryan, the current Speaker of the United States Ho...

Egypt to become the 51st state of USA
While the protests in Egypt are now on day 16 and there seem to be no end to it, silent sources are saying that independent of the current no-hope sit...

People's Republic of China gets bigger, 20%
While China's property prices are rising at record pace, within the past 20 years Chinese people have managed to increase the size of their country by...

Some Like Them Young
Certainly Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi likes them young. He was said to have gone to a 18th birthday party of a girl he had known for a nu...
latest in paranormal

Trump auditions, wants to get a part in Jackass 4
During the last months Donald Trump has been auditioning to the Jackass team in hopes he would be accepted as a new member for their upcoming movie, J...

Confessions of an unstable Editor-In-Chief: HELP!
It is warm, it feels as if the sun is shining inside me, and there's a cool breeze blowing over my face, moving the curly hair in my nose. And then, f...

Iron Man is dead! Long live the next kinky dweeb with long rain coat
Hollywood, kinky shit, May 11 2010. After the underperformance of Iron Man 2, which didn't manage to bring in $133.6 million during the weekend (which...

We're all aliens, I've got the proof!
Has anyone had any green alien sex? William Shatner claims he hasn not, even though we have all seen him on Star Trek doing that thing. My buddy Georg...
latest in ititches

Reasons You Need a Traffic Violation Lawyer
Traffic offenses including drunk driving, overspreading, unlicensed driving, and other acts of road rage are considered, in most jurisdictions, as min...

The world is in ruins, the biggest attack to our way of life yet
The last days different media outlets have been describing the devastation the world is seeing right now after the worst nightmare has become reality ...

Can Medical Cannabis Reduce Inflammation?
There are a lot of medications on the market that claim to reduce inflammation in the body. The issue is many of these anti-inflammatory drugs cause p...

Under Trump there shalt not be mental illnesses
Trump is ready to replace Obamacare with Trumpcare. Among the other great, great things he plans to do is to get rid of mental health disorders once a...

Kellyanne Conway attacked by a micro wave
Kellyanne Conway, the Trump whisperer, was attacked by a micro wave during her late night snack.

Facebook launches the Trump fact dispute tool
With the arise of fake news in the internet, Facebook has created a tool to combat the problem. The idea, and the realisation for the need for such a ...

Sweden faces pro-Trump immigrant march
Immigrant groups across Sweden, happy to see at least a slight reference to them in media, were happy.

US drones to be part of the next Star Wars movie, killcount 100k
George Lucas is thinking of using US military drones in the next Star Wars movie. The movie will not be a regular sequel to Star Wars, but it will rat...
latest in perks

Powerball and Mega Millions Raise the Lottery Bar Once Again
The US Powerball and the Mega Millions are the main contenders on the American lottery market. Ever since they were created, these two games have been...

City officials outraged - people are sharing books?!??
It has come to city officials attention that people in Los Angeles and Shreveport, La., have created their own homemade lending libraries where reside...

Trump introduces Obamacare Lite
Trump introduced his replacement plan for Obamacare. After all, he promised to repeal and replace Obamacare which he has called a disaster. Giving mil...

Chasing The American Dream
The latest immigration news would be about the celebration of the 30th anniversary of migrant and seasonal agricultural act. This legislation ensured ...
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The Daily Bonk

The Daily Bonk is a satire news site, or a fake news source, or just a provider of alternative news, considering the latter is becoming more and more popular term these days thanks to that special someone.

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