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Trump introduces Obamacare Lite

2017-03-08 03:49:28

Trump introduced his replacement plan for Obamacare. After all, he promised to repeal and replace Obamacare which he has called a disaster. Giving millions of Americans healthcare that they do not deserve. What else can it be called than a disaster?

So the new proposed bill will make everything better, so good you wouldn't believe how good health care can be, even though nobody really knew how complicated it can be.

But after hours, at least two, of work with the new bill, the freeloaders will be banished and healthcare taken away from them, government will have no hands in people's pockets when it comes to healthcare, and most importantly, let's be honest, let's be very honest, it's all about business, and business has to make money. So we will give more freedom to private healthcare providers and give them the option to charge as much as they want to while not giving people an alternative. After all, businesses are what keeps America alive. Not healthcare.

Let's all say a welcome to Obamacare Lite!

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