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In an effort to keep him out of doing any real damage to the country, Trump supporters and enemies alike encourage him to keep tweeting "and taking on the establishment" this way.

Trump's supporters still claim they are not fed up with Trump's Twitter feed and say they would welcome more and more stuff on his Twitter feed, all in the name of trying to take down the establishment.

The Daily Bonk's investigative department (INDEPT), however, has looked into it because it's logically simply not possible that som... continue reading

House Speaker Paul D. Ryan said yesterday that he is open for some fine-tuning of the Republican healthcare bill in order to win back conservatives an...

Last week, on Saturday, Trump accused Obama of ordering surveillance at Trump Tower during the election, but has provided no evidence of it whatsoever...

While not all Republicans are sure they are able to fulfil their dream of healthcareless world, Paul Ryan, the current Speaker of the United States Ho...

While China's property prices are rising at record pace, within the past 20 years Chinese people have managed to increase the size of their country by...

Certainly Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi likes them young. He was said to have gone to a 18th birthday party of a girl he had known for a nu...
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