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Animals can be better at life than you

2017-01-18 05:26:04

These days anything is possible. For everyone. I mean it. I really do. There are millions of people trying to make a buck from their internet business, people trying to find fame and get rich in the process. Most of them fail at it miserably. Which is sad. It is. But I have some good news for you, blink blink, it can get worse. Did you know that Grumpy Cat aka Tardar Sauce is a famous internet personality and actor with a net worth rumoured to be up to
£80 million?

The travelling hedgehog Biddy had 555 000 Instagram followers before his death, now down just 10k after he has died.

Boo is a spokesdog for Virgin America airlines who got 5 million followers in Facebook, then got offered a book deal which resulted in a copy in 11 different languages. Now he earnes close to a million a year and his Facebook follower count has jumped to 17 million.

So if you thought you weren't doing too good in your internet business, think again, you're doing worse than expected.

I love this infographic created by Cash Lady.

The Daily Bonk - your weird news site

The Daily Bonk

The Daily Bonk is a satire news site, or a fake news source, or just a provider of alternative news, considering the latter is becoming more and more popular term these days thanks to that special someone.

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